An 8-Lesson Series with Teacher Jing

Pre-recorded. Learn at your own pace.


Learn Jing Tai Chi Flow

Learn directly from Teacher Jing.

Teacher Jing Practicing Jing Tai Chi


In this module, you will learn beautiful, smooth, circular movements. 

These movements symbolize the two opposing yet inseparable forces of life: yin and yang. Through downward movements you connect with yin; while through upward movements you connect with yang.  

These graceful movements unite you with the opposing, interdependent life forces of the universe. They seem like opposites, but in reality, yin and yang, left and right, up and down are one.

Engage yin and yang, feel the dance and interplay between them as you are filled with oneness—the harmony of balanced yin and yang.  

As morning becomes evening, and evening becomes morning—each day is a cycle, a flow. All of nature exists in a flow, and flow also exists in our own nature.

Jing Tai Chi helps you tune in to the flow of your own life—to know the rhythms of your life. With regular practice, you are able to ride the ups and downs of life with greater ease.

Jing Tai Chi also integrates some simple but profound life philosophies.

Learn in a relaxed manner and train for real life. When you treasure a movement, you treasure the moment. In this, you learn to treasure daily life!

Tai Chi at sunrise.jpg

What does each session involve?

Movement.  In Flow I, you will learn beautiful circular movements, coordinated with the breath. The movements are practiced standing with simple footwork.  

45 minutes

Q&A: Classes include some recorded questions and answers.

5-15 minutes 

Nutrition is also an important part of Jing Tai Chi.  Two 30 minute sessions are included in our training. Learn how proper nutrition can affect your health, energy, and well-being.

30 minutes (2 sessions only)

Jing Tai Chi


Is this course suitable for beginners? 

Yes. And if you have experience with Tai Chi, dance, yoga—any form of movement—this training is for you too!

How long will I have access to videos?

You will have access for 12 months after purchase.

If I have pain in my legs, can I still join this course? 

Yes. These are simple and comfortable movements. You may even sit on a chair and follow the upper body movements. 

Is Jing Tai Chi suitable for children?

Absolutely!  Studies show that the Tai Chi practice improves concentration for children (and adults)!   

After Flow I, are there further classes?

Yes. After Flow I, Teacher Jing continues with Flow II and Flow III.


“Our practice takes us beyond the movements and into our lives. It is possible to feel harmony—real satisfaction—in everyday life. Whatever challenges come your way, you know that you will be OK. You learn to live in a balanced way. It begins with a gesture, a simple movement of your hand. In time, a steadfast confidence, a feeling of joy and unshakable inner strength stay with you.”

— Teacher Jing